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Educate. Empower. Activate.



Freedom starts with Education.


We have to know our rights

to defend our rights.

The US Constitution and the

NJ State Constitution are written to protect ALL our birth rights - unconditionally and without exception.


Good choices also start with Education.

We provide educational materials so that you know your facts from fiction to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones.



We aim to empower all freedom minded NJ citizens via educational materials, thoughtful conversations, and strategic action.

We go deeper into the narrative to connect the dots and understand their true impact on our lives and livelihood.

We empower our community via deep, spiritual connections where our unshakeable core values hold us together and help grow our TRIBE.

Our LIGHT comes from FAITH

and unconditional LOVE.


There is nothing more dangerous to our freedoms than lack of action in the face of tyranny and adversity.

We bring like-minded communities together to take meaningful, strategic action to defend our God-given, INALIENABLE birth rights and constitutional liberties that we must pass onto our children without compromise.

At this juncture in time, peaceful ACTIVISM is not a choice, but it's a requirement.



NJ Freedom Connect is a community portal founded by NJ health freedom advocate and activist Pamira Bezmen to bring together like-minded families with a specific focus on New Jersey state.


Our mission is to unapologetically and unconditionally defend these principles:


1. Unalienable birth rights are given to all human beings by God, and cannot be taken away by any person, institution, corporation or government.

2. United States Constitution and New Jersey State Constitution are written explicitly to protect the unalienable birth rights of We The People from government overreach, corruption, and evil forces.

3. Bodily autonomy is an unalienable birth right bestowed upon all people equally, without condition or exception.

4. Any law or ideology, even if supported by a corrupt or ignorant majority, that conflicts with unalienable birth rights and the constitution is an unjust law or ideology, and is hence void and null.

5. We The People take our power from God Almighty, as we have every right and duty to protect the sovereignty of our bodies and those of our children that have been entrusted to us as the temple of our souls and the holy spirit.

6. Sisters and Brothers of all faiths, denominations, religious and deeply held spiritual convictions are created equally and deserve equal protection for their sacred bodies regardless of institutional affiliation.

7. No person, institution, corporation or government has the authority to judge, assess, evaluate, or approve any person's deeply held religious and spiritual beliefs in an effort to remove that person's individual sovereignty over his/her body, and to coerce him/her into giving up his/her bodily autonomy.


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