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CDC's ACIP committee finds itself in a pickle to approve Covid-19 booster


Updated: Jun 26, 2021


ACIP (CDC) finds itself in a pickle having to prove how ineffective the first 2 shots are and that vaccine-induced immunity is not long-lasting in order to justify approving the "booster shot" (3rd dose) for public release.

ACIP (CDC) finds itself in a pickle having to prove how ineffective the first 2 shots are and that vaccine-induced immunity is not long-lasting in order to justify approving the "booster shot" (3rd dose) for public release.

This discussion would be hilarious to watch if we did not know how ignorant people will follow whatever they recommend without any questioning.

With preliminary data sets based on sample sizes as little as 40, it is no coincidence that ACIP - as usual - has no intentions of being data driven, but profit-driven. There is a specific interest in going after immunocompromised people. The speakers did confess that "Antibody titers DO NOT equal overall protection for immunocompromised populations" and that they don't currently have a reliable measure of protection.

This population is called "immunocompromised" for a reason - they do not build immunity as healthy bodies do. You can booster shot them to their grave, and they will still NOT build immunity. But it sure is an attractive business model to keep using the vulnerable sick people who are already in the palm of the medical cartel as a safe depository for your excess products that nobody else wants to take.

The second group targeted for the booster shot is Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). Again, if our HCPs do not wake up and start defending their bodily autonomy as much as they defend a non-liable pharmaceutical product, they will be turned into pin cushions automatically served up for ongoing experimentation for every dose the greedy establishment decides to throw at them.

Overall summary:

We need more data. We need more time to see long term studies and real life data.

How about we halt the current program and try to explain the 6 thousand plus US deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries reported first from the original series, before we try to push additional doses?

Science is not blind obedience. Science is asking every reasonable question and objectively, tirelessly assessing the options, alternatives and the data until the data unquestionably and without manipulation answers the questions.

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